Reply To: BP 4.2.0 for linux: Unable to translate

homepage Forums BridgePoint/xtUML Usage and Training BP 4.2.0 for linux: Unable to translate Reply To: BP 4.2.0 for linux: Unable to translate


– Open the folder ~/mgc/install.ixl/LOGS, ls -al to look at the dates, open the file that corresponds to the time when you installed BridgePoint 4.2.0. Then go down to the “Starting post-install” section and see if there are any errors reported.

– Create a new xtUML project with some simple internals: add a package with a component inside. Add a package inside the component, and a class inside the inner package. Add an operation with simply OAL that just increments a transient variable. Build the new project. Does it experience the same problem?