Reply To: What should be the default modeling approach?

homepage Forums BridgePoint/xtUML Usage and Training What should be the default modeling approach? Reply To: What should be the default modeling approach?

Lee Riemenschneider

I’m trying to impress that a package-as-a-domain and a component-as-a-domain are the same thing, so choosing one or the other based on size isn’t really a valid choice. By the same token, an EE and interface are the same at the analysis level.

I’m not sure I understand the servo example. It sounds like one Servo domain model bridged 100 times to another domain. This is multiple instantiations across the same interface. The instantiations can either be modeled with an identifier as a bridge parameter (class instances), or could be handled in the implementation (domain instances).

The included Time EE is maybe an illustration of this issue. Making it a component on the system diagram would produce a very messy picture.