Reply To: Setup the metamodel project on Linux

homepage Forums BridgePoint/xtUML Usage and Training Setup the metamodel project on Linux Reply To: Setup the metamodel project on Linux


Hi Domonkos,

It worked for me when I just tried it, but I’ve seen similar behavior to what you describe in the past. Let’s try to import the metamodel, but do it by hand and bypass the welcome page. Here are the steps:

1) Create a new project “metamodel”
2) Right-click on it and select “Import…” from the context menu
3) Now expand “BridgePoint > BridgePoint Model”.
4) Choose “BridgePoint Model”, click “Next >”
5) Now click “Browse…” and navigate to /eclipse_extensions/BridgePoint/eclipse/plugins/com.mentor.nucleus.bp.welcome_/models/xtUML_Metamodel.xtuml”
6) Once the file is selected, click “Finish”

The model should be imported. Please let me know if this works or not.
