BP 4.2 – W7 update causes "…could not create virtual machine"

homepage Forums BridgePoint/xtUML Usage and Training BP 4.2 – W7 update causes "…could not create virtual machine"

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  • #4259
    John Wolfe

    Last night W7 updated itself, and this morning, attempts to invoke BridgePoint 4.2 resulted in “Could not create the Java virtual machine.”
    BridgePoint is distributed with a Java run-time environment (JRE) which may be a bit past its sell-by date. I pulled a newer version (8u40), adjusted Launcher.bat to use it, and this solved the problem. When selecting a new JRE, remember that BP 4.2 for Windows is distributed with a 32-bit version of Eclipse, so you’ll need a 32-bit JRE.

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